Friday, March 12, 2010

'I wanna dance with somebody who loves me. . .'

High school student Constance McMillen, 18, simply wanted to go to the prom with the date of her choice and to wear the outfit of her choosing.

The only problem?

She wanted to take her girlfriend, Minerva, and she had hoped to wear a tux, too. McMillen approached Itawamba County Agricultural High School in Fulton, Mississippi to ensure that her plans were permissible, and school officials informed her that they would not be allowed to attend together. They were also warned that if they tried to slow dance together, they would be thrown out of the prom, as their presence might make other students feel uncomfortable.

Additionally, the school also released the following memo:

The ACLU is now involved, after sending the school board a letter claiming they were impeding on McMillen’s civil rights from barring her from the prom. In response, the school board has canceled the prom altogether. The ACLU has sued the school to allow the prom to continue. The story has gained considerable media coverage (USAToday, CNN, First Amendment Center), and a Facebook page has already been created in honor of McMillen’s cause.


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